Whether you’re dating, in a relationship, or secretly daydreaming about a man in your life, today’s message will help you confirm if he is the right one for you…or not.
I have worked with women who were with great guys who weren’t the greatest fit for their lifestyle or personality, as well as women who were in questionable or complicated situations.

Without overcomplicating the matter at hand, let’s consider two things:
What do you want for your future (and if your children’s future)?
What does the Lord want for your future (and your children’s future)?
I have found that if you honestly contemplate the answer to both of these questions, you will be able to determine whether someone is the right future husband for you…or not.
God has called you to a life of peace (Romans 8:6). He is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). He will also direct your footsteps and lead you on the right path (Proverbs 16:9).
What is your spirit leading you to do?
Let’s consider if he is a good man and your personalities may not mesh well and you find yourself bumping heads often. Can you grow as a couple and live a life of peace (1 Timothy 2:2)?
What if he is someone that is wildly interested in you, loves everything about you and is sure you would be a great match…but the feeling isn’t mutual. You are not as excited about him. The thought of spending a lifetime committed to only him leaves your gut feeling uneasy. Does this sound like a life of peace God is calling you to?
In a complicated relationship where there have been many ups and downs and huge bumps in the road that cause you to question your faith or leave you heartbroken, it’s probably a clear sign that you should end the relationship.

The type of man God has for you:
Would not break your heart or cheat on you
Would not cause you to break your celibacy walk and backslide
Would not twist scriptures or cause spiritual confusion
Would not play games or waste your time
The type of man God is sending will be filled with God's love and be outwardly expressed and evident.
He should also know his purpose and have a very real relationship with Christ (just like you).
He will not be perfect…none of us are perfect.
But surely, the Lord will be pleased with your relationship and everything will work out.
I hope this message has given you some food for thought in your dating and relationships. When all else fails, follow the path of life and peace!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Customer Review of Smart Dating Rules for Christian Women by Sarita A. Foxworth
"This book was amazing... All the things and rules that I've read, I wish I had known before my previous relationship/engagement. I was engaged to a man that broke my heart...I will go into my next dating season keeping these things in mind and involving God this time around."