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4 Ways to Prepare for Your Future Husband: for Christian Singles

Updated: Nov 25

Your desire for marriage is a God-given desire, but at times, it may feel like an overwhelming burden. Do you ever feel like everyone around you is getting married? Does it seem that everywhere you look, you see weddings, romantic dates, and social media posts with the hashtag #Isaidyes? In today's message, my goal is to help you release some of the burden and take control of your emotions and thoughts in quiet seasons of singleness.

While you could spend your time developing your homemaking skills or finding new ways to meet men, I believe that when you prepare in the 4 ways shared below, God will help you grow as a woman in all the ways necessary for your future marriage. He will also help you to connect with the man he wants you to one day marry. You may end up marrying a man who loves to cook. You may end up meeting at a ministry conference or serving in the community. God will take care of the details when you trust in and focus on him.

Your singleness does not have to be a burden

Preparing for your future husband means preparing for your future life as a wife and possibly mother. It means preparing for the promised land God has in store for you, specifically. It does not mean that you focus on finding and keeping a man. That's how the world thinks and lives. But as Christians, our season of preparation is all about fulfilling the Kingdom's purpose as we move towards God's vision for our lives.


Create greater focus and increase your peace by removing marriage as an idol in your heart. A simple way to tell if marriage has become an idol in your heart is by looking at how your dating and relationship choices are made. If you make choices as you are led by the Holy Spirit and in submission to the Word of God, then it is apparent that Jesus is the Lord of your life. He sits on the throne of your heart. On the other hand, if you make decisions based on what the man you are dating says and wants, or even your own emotions and feelings with no consideration for God's Word, then marriage has become an idol in your heart. This book will help you make better choices in dating and relationships.


Always follow the instructions given in God's written Word (logos) and God's spoken Word (Rhema) for your life. God's Rhema instructions for your life are what you discern in your heart as you study the Bible. It's how you interpret a dream God gave you. It's the spiritual revelations you experience while in praise and worship.  When you're unsure which path to take or how to move forward in life, the Word will always provide a solution. We tend to make mistakes or end up in the wrong relationships when disobeying or disregarding God's Word. God is not asking for perfection. He just wants us to do our best to do life with Him as our leader, friend, and guide.


Listen only to Spirit-filled teachers, ministers, leaders and influencers. Surround yourself with blessed conversations and guidance. Fill your life with friendships of those who live by the Word of God. In this way, you will receive wonderful confirmation for those personal revelations and Rhema words you received from the Holy Spirit. Also, try not to listen to carnal relationship advice. This one is so important in the world we live in today with an outpouring of so-called relationship experts and gurus, all targeting women and none of them teaching anything about Jesus Christ. Since Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, he should be intimately involved in our dating and relationship choices. Carnal and worldly teaching omits the Lordship of Jesus does whatever feels good or sounds nice. You can not prepare for God's calling to marriage by listening to voices that oppose God.


Submit your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and focus on advancing the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 provides clear guidance of how God wants you to live your life in a way that puts your focus on purposeful living that leads to total trust in God's provision. Everything from finances to friendships to health and love are including in God's provision. Total submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ with focused effort advancing the Kingdom of God will help you to connect with the man you are praying for. He will see you as the true woman of God that you are and your union will be blessed! This book will help you discover your life's purpose.

If you decide to follow these 4 ways preparing for your future husband, you will have greater focus in your daily life, increase your faith and trust in God, and remove the distractions in the world that cause confusion and doubt.

First things first. Seek God. Love God. Submit to God. He will do it!


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